Metal Dynamics, Ltd. has made products for weapons management, forensics labs, weapons lock up, tactical gear storage, armories, etc. Some products include Trakwall panels (metal slatwall), gun barrel hooks for various calibers, rifle racks and more.
Gun Storage Wall Unit

Wall units can be mounted to mobile carriage bases or attach directly to the floor as a static application. These units are available in a variety of heights, widths and depths. 72″H x 12″D x 36″M (shown).
Gondola Unit

Gondola units can be mounted to mobile carriage bases or attach directly to the floor as a static application. These units are available in a variety of heights, widths, and depths. 72″H x 24″W x 36″W (shown).
Starter/ Add-on
Gun Shelf
Riot Gear Hook
Adjustable Riot Gear Hook
Rifle Hook
Gun Barrel Hook